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Analysis of the U21 Latvia vs U21 San Marino match

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San Marino U21 vs Latvia U21: Standings in UEFA U21 European Championship -  9/5/2008

Analysis of the U21 Latvia vs U21 San Marino match

Match result prediction:

With better form, it is likely that U21 San Marino will secure a convincing victory in the match against U21 Latvia. Specifically, U21 San Marino has won the handicap in 5 out of their last 6 away matches and 5 out of their last 8 matches overall. On the other hand, U21 Latvia has lost 5 out of their last 7 home matches, 6 out of their last 9 matches overall, failed to win the handicap in 5 out of their last 7 matches, and failed to win the handicap in 6 out of their last 8 home matches.

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Goal prediction:

Analysis shows that in the last 5 matches of U21 Latvia, 5 out of 6 recent home matches of U21 Latvia, and 5 out of 6 recent away matches of U21 San Marino, the matches ended with under goals. Therefore, the likelihood of less than 3 goals being scored in the match on Latvia's home ground is high.

Head-to-head analysis between U21 Latvia and U21 San Marino:

The head-to-head history shows that in the last 2 recent away matches against U21 Latvia, U21 San Marino lost both matches. In the overall head-to-head record, U21 Latvia won 3, drew 1, and lost 4 out of their 8 encounters.

Form analysis of U21 Latvia and U21 San Marino:

U21 Latvia has not won in their last 8 matches, and they have not won in their last 4 out of 5 matches. On their home ground, U21 Latvia has not won in their last 8 matches and they have not won in their last 3 out of 5 matches.

U21 San Marino has not won in their last 10 matches and they have not won in their last 5 matches. On away matches, U21 San Marino has not won in their last 10 matches and they have not won in their last 5 matches.

Asian handicap form analysis of U21 Latvia vs U21 San Marino:

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U21 Latvia has not won the Asian handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, including 3 out of their last 5 matches. On their home ground, U21 Latvia has not won the Asian handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches and they have not won the Asian handicap in 3 out of their last 5 matches.

U21 San Marino has won the Asian handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, including 3 out of their last 5 matches. On away matches, U21 San Marino has won the Asian handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, and they have won the Asian handicap in 4 out of their last 5 matches.

Over/under form analysis of U21 Latvia vs U21 San Marino:

According to the over/under market, U21 Latvia had under goals in 7 out of their last 10 matches and under goals in their last 5 matches. On their home ground, U21 Latvia had under goals in 7 out of their last 10 matches and under goals in 4 out of their last 5 matches.

U21 San Marino had under goals in 6 out of their last 10 matches and under goals in 3 out of their last 5 matches. On away matches, U21 San Marino had under goals in 6 out of their last 10 matches and under goals in 4 out of their last 5 matches.

Selection: U21 San Marino (+2 3/4).

Goal prediction: Under.

Score prediction: 2-1.

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